Welcome to the Center for Informatics and Telehealth in Medicine (InTelMed)
The InTelMed Center is an operational unit of the Visual and Autonomous Exploration Systems Research Laboratory under direction of Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Fink, FNAI, FARVO, LFSPIE, FPHMS, FAIMBE, UA FdaVinci, UA FACABI, Senior IEEE. In line with the 4th Industrial Revolution, the charter of the InTelMed Center is to devise and deploy biofeedback-controlled devices by integrating wearable sensors, bi-directional data exchange, cloud-based data analysis, health and disease status modeling and prediction, and prescribed intervention/treatment onto human smart service platforms. From an end-user perspective, usability, wearability, and appearance are key design factors. From a technology point of view, high data accuracy and fidelity (i.e., medical-grade data), real-time bi-directional healthcare data streaming, real-time data analysis, and health status prediction are critical components to create successful biofeedback-based products. Biofeedback-controlled human smart service systems, as pursued by the InTelMed Center, have the potential to improve health and treatment outcome, and, thus, decrease outpatient healthcare costs. Most recently, the InTelMed Center is focusing on crewmember health aboard orbiting and surface-based lunar space habitats as part of the NASA Gateway and Artemis program and beyond, i.e., Mars.